Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Process of developing Architectural 3D Rendering – Part 2

Let’s take our last article further to the next level of the Process of Developing an Architectural 3D Rendering. In the first part we saw the initial level of the development of the 3D Model, whereas in this article we will go through the process of transforming a 3D Model to a 3D Rendering.

So, once we have our model done, our next job is to give it realistic effects such as lighting, textures, color, and also some optical effects like shadows, advanced green screen tracking, motion-blur, etc. All these effects help to create a realistic image, which if not worked closely then it could also appear as a painting or some abstract image. For example, if it’s an exterior view then we also need to closely look after the clouds and give them effect of desired time of the day which could be anytime from sunrise to sunset. Or if it’s an interior view then we need to take care of the direction of reflections/shadows made by lights.

There are many minute elements that are put together in order to develop a 3D rendering and these elements need very fine attention, if not given that extra attention then a small mistake can ruin whole render. Rendering and image is a time consuming process, not only it needs that close attention but also it takes a long time to render it on a computers. Even a fast, high configuration computer can take time to render an image. And there is a reason behind this; the software is basically rendering one pixel at a time of all the pixels of image. Only the computation of color of a single pixel can take loads of calculations. Sometimes to render a high resolution image it can take one whole day, it’s unimaginable that how much calculations the software makes in order to give out that one 3D Rendering.

Finally at the completion here is the result of the amazing process of developing a 3D rendering, the above image is the final product of the 3D Model that was in our last post. It feels so good to look at these sumptuous rendering, which after collective efforts of our team of 3D artists has turned out as desired. Well, with this we come to an end of the Process of developing an Architectural 3D Rendering and now it’s ready to grace the hoardings all across the streets and give a blast to marketing of the property. Hope it was good time reading this article and please help us improve with your feedback and reviews!!!

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